Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia describes a chronic condition which means “muscles and connective tissue pain”. It is a neurosensory disorder. People having this chronic (long-term) illness always feel very tired and low. They also suffer from sleep disorders.

Fibromyalgia is also referred to as Fibromyalgia Syndrome(FMS)

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The following are the symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

  • Irritability, nervousness, depression, apathy, anxiety, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, and fatigue

  • Severe pain in the body for a long time

  • Problems occur in memory and understanding

Fibromyalgia doesn't let the people sleep. They always feel body pain and stiffness. In some cases, people get relief from pain in the day time but the pain gets worse at night. Some of them have pain all day long.

Look at the pain scale of the people suffering from Fibromyalgia.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The researchers still couldn't find the main reasons for getting Fibromyalgia.

But, there are some theories stated about the causes of Fibromyalgia.

  • One is that it occurs in people having problems in their Central Nervous System(CNS).

  • Some studies also stated that if you are suffering from this disorder, the parts of the brain that register pain reacts differently.

  • It also causes due to lack of proper sleep.

Treatment for Fibromyalgia

There is no permanent cure for this disorder but the treatment can make life easier.

For the treatment of Fibromyalgia, you can visit some professionals like-

  • Rheumatologist: If you are feeling pain in the muscles or joints.

  • Neurologists: If you are feeling some problems in CNS.

  • Psychologist: If you feel that you need to improve your mental health.

Different people need different kinds of treatments because the same treatment doesn't work for different people.

Medication and change in lifestyle can improve your health.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibromyalgia

According to Ayurveda, Fibromyalgia is named as Vata.

There are some treatments available in Ayurveda for Fibromyalgia. These are mentioned below:

Abhyangam: It is massage therapy. It is one of the oldest methods which is still in practice. It has different techniques that help to reduce the heart rate, improve the joints’ motion, production of natural body painkillers increases, and also provide relaxation to the muscles.

Panchakarma: Snehan and Swedana are the two pre-purification measures. These are very useful to balance Vata and to loosen the toxins.

In Snehan, herbalism oil massage is given to the affected person. The therapist applies this oil to the whole body with a particular type of massage.

Swedana means sweating and it is given just after the Snehan.

Regular herbal massage helps to soothe and balance the entire nervous system.

Ayurvedic Diet and Nutrition: People suffering from Fibromyalgia should change their diet and include Pathyam.

People should consume the following things:

  • Coconut milk and coconut water

  • Cooked veggies such as pumpkin, squashes, and tomatoes

  • Khichadi(should be cooked with the basmati rice and moong dal in 1:1 or 2:1 proportion.)

  • Green salads with lemon, olive oil, and salt

  • Should also consume ample amount of cumin, coriander, black pepper, ginger, asafetida, garlic, and fennel

  • Juice of carrot, water, ginger root, garlic, beetroot, spinach, and red pepper

  • Vegetable juices and soups

  • Warm milk containing spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and clove

Yogasana: Practicing different yogasana helps to reduce the impact of Vata dosha. Yoga provides flexibility in the entire body. It also relaxes the mind and controls blood circulation. People having Fibromyalgia must practice Savasana. It relaxes the mind and prepares the person for meditation.

A little change in lifestyle and diet helps a; lot to overcome this disorder. So, keep practicing all the above methods and stay happy and confident.

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